April 8 Solar Eclipse/Aries New Moon

” A young girl feeding birds in winter”. “Overcoming crises through compassion”; these are symbols connected with tonight’s Lunation in Aries, which is a total solar eclipse spanning over the American continent from the Pacific Ocean, up through Mexico, USA, and out through Canada and vanishing into the Atlantic but affecting all of us on the planet.
We are indeed going through another magnificent portal of birth, transformation and healing in order to claim what’s ours and restore a cosmic order on the planet, an order that’s been manipulated and tampered with ever since the dark days of Atlantis.
The two major astrological events of 2024, this solar eclipse on Chiron, the wounded healer, a new moon in Aries giving birth to the impulse of moving forward, growing and going out courageously in order to follow the power of our own will, is here linked with the woundedness and recognition of our true essence.
Ever since 2019 when Chiron entered Aries there has been a collective healing of our inner child. Chiron’s journey to healing is often a challenging or even painful experience of being ostracized, an outcast and considered being freakish in some manner. Many of us have felt this more or less. It is now super magnified by this total solar eclipse.
The other event is the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus on April 21. Taurus is the sign of resources, the earth, our ability to enjoy its fruits and our physical world. A very tactile sign but also territorial in the sense that it wants security and ownership. Jupiter expands everything it touches. It’s the planet of wisdom. Uranus breaks through the old paradigms, shakes, stirs, and awakens humanity to the concepts of freedom, equality, brotherhood, as well as the discovery and reliance on a science that serves the greater whole.
Right now, as Mercury is retrograde in Aries, there’s a wonderful opportunity to ponder and recalibrate our minds and lives into a more orientation towards the true We-concept (south Lunar node in Libra).
We have the ability to transcend diversity and the agenda to separate people, to understand the concept of Oneness and incorporate it in our everyday way of thinking, feelings and lives. People will rise when they feel that the system today is not what they believed it to be and will want to be part of the change for a fairer world.
In this amazing year of the Wood Dragon Jupiter conjunct Uranus will show the way by its inventiveness and expanding infusion of a higher awareness of the kind of truth, reality, and living conditions we want as humans together in our individual lives as well as in our society.
So hold on to your hats, sit steady in the boat that will be rocked, have faith and trust that you will be able to steer the boat to a safe shore.
Happy new moon/solar eclipse – embrace the I am that I am and acknowledge the power of us standing together each in our own unique light and color.