There’s a lunar eclipse coming up in this timeline, followed by a solar eclipse. Venus is retrograde in Aries-Pisces. Mercury will also turn retrograde in Aries-Pisces while the Sun flows through Pisces, the last of the 12 signs.

With Saturn being passed by the Sun today (March 12th), preparing for the equinox and Sun’s entry in Aries which will ignite new beginnings, and many endings simultaneously.  This year, 2025 resonating on the number 9 is also the year of the wooden Snake, wise and clever, shedding skin, forcing us to transform the old to something new. The old suit doesn’t fit anymore. This transformation can be easy or difficult depending on how we choose to embrace the change.

I have never seen so many signs of change in such a short time, a period of 7 ½ months, at least not in this lifetime. All the five outer planets will change signs during this period; Pluto entered Aquarius Nov,19 2024, Neptune enters Aries on March 30th, Saturn follows Neptune into Aries on May 25th, Jupiter enters Cancer on June 9th, and Uranus enters Gemini on July 7th. Jupiter is the only one going from a faster element to a slower, (air to water). All the others are speeding things up (earth to air, or water to fire). We will be bombarded with information, with truth. There has been so much under the veil of Neptune or withheld in the underworld by Pluto. Many mysteries about power, and abuse of power will surface.  It’s like a dam that is going to burst.

Aquarius is about the people, our liberties, the right to equality, and the knowledge of brotherhood. We are all equals regardless of what we have been programmed to believe about us. No more separation, comparison and value judgement. Together we are stronger and can build a world where everyone can thrive individually and not on other’s account.

Venus has a recurring pattern of 8 years almost to the day. During those 8 years she goes 5 times retrograde for a period of 40 – 42 days. Her retrograde period is now between March 2nd – April 13th.  Venus is the planet of love, values, relationships, and money. She goes backwards from Aries (meeting the Sun on the March 23rd ) into Pisces where she will meet Neptune, two octaves of love both individually and collectively. In Aries she’s very direct and passionate, in Pisces, Venus finds her exaltation as she moves beyond polarization to love unconditionally.

When she later bumps into Saturn (April 7th) this will be a reality check concerning all aspects of love and beauty ideals. Are your relationships based on conditional love? How much are you willing to invest/pay/compromise with your own needs in order to be loved and accepted for who you truly are?

The dance that the inner planets (Mercury & Venus) are doing together with the giants Saturn and Neptune, at the end of Pisces, will be an opening to enable us to see the world through more compassionate eyes.

Mars, the ruler of Aries and the God of war, is pulling the whole train of planets from where he is now in Cancer, in a harmonizing trine aspect to Sun and Saturn. Later in April, as he pulls into Leo, he will oppose Pluto, lord of destruction and rebirth (death). It will be very interesting to see how this plays out in the world. We will need to choose consciously a path of peace.

This can seem like an illusion or idealistic, but the time is right for us to be the change and believe that peace is possible.

Mercury will be retrograde from March 15th to April 7th which will further the confusion, but also help us navigate these times as we rely on our intuition to guide us, and gently prods us onward affirming an expanded consciousness of love.

The lunar eclipse/full moon in Virgo that kicks off on Thursday or Friday, March 13th – 14th  (depending on your time zone), is emphasizing how we must let go of the past to embrace the now. The Sabian Symbol for this degree in the zodiac reads: Mary and her little lamb. Keynote: The need to keep a vibrant and pure simplicity at the core of one’s being as one meets the many tests of existence.

Trust, believe and be patient. These are the pillars of all creation.

In true spirit and with unconditional love.